Our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/wizardswithguns SubReddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/WizardsWithGuns/ Insta: @wizardswithguns Twitter: @WWG_TV TikTok: wizardswithguns Oh boy there's certainly a lot of talk about who's gonna be the president! It's always "Tronald Dump" this or "Boe Jiden" that. Who cares! We all know who you should be voting for... MAGIUS! That's right you little TWINKS! Tis I! Magius the Wizard IMMORTAL! Devourer of the Black Sun! Keeper of the God Secret... aaand the alternative presidential candidate for the 2020 Election! No, this isn't some ploy to steal the Elven vote from the Democrats. This is a genuine campaign to make America magic again! or MAMA for short! Now, a lot of my constituents are concerned about my views on gun control. I believe this is due to my history of inevitably resorting to firearms when solving problems, instead of using any of the variety of spells at my disposal. Well... you'll be surprised to hear, as president, I will be taking everyone's guns away! ...for me... so I can have ALL the guns! There's an old saying, "In the land of the guns... he who has all the guns is KING!" So this November, VOTE KING MAGIUS! Music: American Patriotic Music - Earth Essence Reese's Puff Rap - Reese Witherspoon Lord of the Land - Kevin Macleod #Election2020 #Sketch #Comedy